The collection presented in this exhibition represents a body of work that the artist created during the years of lockdowns and slowdowns. Chani Cohen Zada, one of Israel's leading figurative artists, spent much of her time painting still life paintings. "At each available opportunity, I would spend time in the nearby garden or field. I would pick flowers and bring them home and create a memorial of their internal, simplistic beauty. Flowers are among the most optimistic of Hashem's Creation."
"Even the most insignificant flower attempts with all it's being to give us pleasure. A view from the corner of the eye instils a flicker of embodiment of beauty. Whether an elegant iris, a majestic orchid or a simple chrysanthemum each offers its unique statement. During corona I painted flowers!”
One might ask is this fine art? Does it make a statement? Is this Jewish art?
The period of corona caused us to step back and observe, to search for Hashem in the time of His Hidden Presence. The Rambam states “What is the way to achieve love and fear of Hashem?” Observe His Creation!
During corona, Chani painted flowers. This gave her satisfaction and clarity during the Days of Confusion. This is perhaps the ultimate Jewish artistic statement, one which the artist hopes will transcend all ages.