
Raquel Sanchez, through her art, searches within all levels of nature, some real and some imaginary. Her unique technique instills within the painting an almost spiritually kinetic effect

May 4 - July 30, 2021

G-d is Present everywhere at the same time. His Presence is felt at all times wherever one searches. Raquel Sanchez, through her art, searches within all levels of nature, some real and some imaginary. Her unique technique instills within the painting an almost spiritually kinetic effect Light greatly effects the deeper understanding, metaphorically representing how the light of Torah and Emmunah can greatly change the individual.

oil on canvas
170 x 204 cm
USD $36,000  
oil on canvas
140 x 200 cm
USD $22,000  
oil on canvas
50 x 50 cm
USD $3,500  
oil on canvas
50 x 50 cm
USD $3,500