Just Married , 2023
oil on canvas
120 x 150 cm
47 x 59 in
The surrealistic landscape depicts the contrasting forces in Nature. Humans are both spiritual and physical being--two opposing forces. The physical tends toward adhering to the Laws of Nature, whereas the spiritual attempts to uplift beyond the physical, striving to return to our Spiritual Source.
The enclosed body of water represents the struggles of the world, like a snake, symbolizing the physical, suffocating its prey. Only through adherence to the spiritual is it possible to escape.
Floating in the air, from beyond the enclosure appear two balloons upon which is inscribed “Just Married”. It is through this Holy Connection that one can escape the stronghold of the mundane. Thus the foundation is laid to adjoin the physical with the spiritual to do G-d's Will. The world continues through the next generation.
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