Raquel Sanchez

And with Fire You will Rebuild Jerusalem , 2023

oil on canvas  
80 x 100 cm
31 x 39 in

“Your eyes are the sea
and fill the blanks of my story”

(Raquel Sanchez, Untitled, published IAWE, ARC 14, p.18 Spring 2000)

“If you return, if you dream, your image will recognize me in the night."

(Juan Sanchez Pelaez: "Possession"; poem 9 from The Dawn and the Leopard, c. 2023)

Most things in Life are an accident waiting to happen. We mistakenly assume that we have control. Among our challenges is to allow G-d to Lead us and to Guide us, knowing that all is for the best. Twenty five years ago, Raquel alludes to this as she mentions the "blanks of my story". Yet this is a lifelong process.

The painting "And with Fire You will Rebuild Jerusalem" was born out of an accident. A new tube of high quality orange paint fell and was accidentally stepped upon. Quickly, the painting was born in order to prevent the paint from going to waste.

Night symbolizes darkness. Sanchez sees this as 2000 years of spiritual darkness in Exile. In the sky, incandescently visible, are the Walls of the Heavenly Jerusalem awaiting to reappear. The movement of the white colored existence is tending toward a spiritual center to recreate the foundation to allow for the Rebuilding of Jerusalem.

$8,500                Click to frame
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