Aviad Zemach

Aviad Zemach

About the Artist:

As an Industrial designer, I was trained to perform the creative act of determining and defining a product's form and features. This process requires repetitive acts and observation to understand the ultimate. Through this finite process, I attempt to approach the infinity of Torah and Mitzvot thereby joining the Holy and the mundane to reveal a unique expression of Hashem’s Oneness.

l investigate the aesthetics and technologies that form the basis of industrial design and incorporate them within the realm of visual communication via the artistic selection of material and methods of presentation. l work with Polystyrene, wood, aluminum, industrial paints and whatever else may be appropriate to reach my goal - presenting the complimentary and the contrast as they merge into one piece of art.

My works are three dimensional, symbolizing the 3 pillars upon which the world exists as the Mishna says: Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Hasadim (Torah, Worship and acts of kindness). My creations are an extension of my Torah Learning. Each piece contains a message and a lesson.

The artist within me completes the object, yet the industrial designer within me has created an object through which the viewer will achieve a unique, personal level of understanding of a message that will necessarily be different than mine.


Born in Israel
Lives and works in Jerusalem

Hadassah College, Jerusalem, B. Des in Industrial Design
Yeshiva Ohr Hahayim Jerusalem

Military Service
Special Forces, Golani Brigade